integrations / 
Amazon Lambda

Amazon Lambda

 + nectarflow

Connect Amazon Lambda with any of your favorite apps in just a few clicks. Design, build, and automate anything for your work by integrating apps like Amazon Lambda to create visual automated workflows. Choose from thousands of ready-made apps or use our no-code toolkit to connect to apps not yet in our library.

Connect Amazon Lambda with any of your favorite apps in just a few clicks. Design, build, and automate anything for your work by integrating apps like Amazon Lambda to create visual automated workflows. Choose from thousands of ready-made apps or use our no-code toolkit to connect to apps not yet in our library.

Flow Control

Build workflows with various outcomes and process multiple records, collectively or separately.

Data Manipulation

Easily transform your data into any format using a wide range of drag and drop functions.

Execution History

Go back in time and analyze every step of a workflow execution to identify the cause of errors.


Control the execution of workflow actions with conditional statements.

Error Handling

Never let a critical process fail. Setup an alternative workflow for when things go wrong.

HTTP Webhooks

Send requests to any public API and trigger your workflow from any external web service.
Amazon Lambda
List Layers

Retireves a list of all AWS Lambda layers.

Amazon Lambda
List Layer Versions

Retrieves a list of the versions of an AWS Lambda layer.

Amazon Lambda
List Functions

Retrieves a list of all AWS Lambda functions.

Amazon Lambda
Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Amazon Lambda
Get a Layer Version

Gets the information of a version of an AWS Lambda layer.

Amazon Lambda
Watch Layer Versions

Triggers when a new version of an AWS Lambda layer is created.

Amazon Lambda
Get a Function

Gets the information of an AWS Lambda function.

Amazon Lambda
Watch Functions

Triggers when a function is last updated.

Amazon Lambda
Invoke a Function

Invokes a AWS Lambda function synchronously or asynchronously.

Amazon Lambda
Watch Layer Versions

Triggers when a new version of an AWS Lambda layer is created.

Amazon Lambda
Watch Functions

Triggers when a function is last updated.

Amazon Lambda
Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Amazon Lambda
Get a Layer Version

Gets the information of a version of an AWS Lambda layer.

Amazon Lambda
Get a Function

Gets the information of an AWS Lambda function.

Amazon Lambda
Invoke a Function

Invokes a AWS Lambda function synchronously or asynchronously.

Amazon Lambda
List Layers

Retireves a list of all AWS Lambda layers.

Amazon Lambda
List Layer Versions

Retrieves a list of the versions of an AWS Lambda layer.

Amazon Lambda
List Functions

Retrieves a list of all AWS Lambda functions.